All in Transformation

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Moon in Leo! Happy Aquarius Season!

 I’ve been writing astral/moon insights for three beautiful years, almost to the day, and feel the Aquarian winds of transition and change blowing me toward new creative pursuits and curiosities to sink my teeth into.

I can't believe it’s been that long, I’m proud of myself dangit! It’s been a really lovely thing in my life on so many levels. 

Free to Express My Version of Blackness at Refuge Outdoor Festival 2023

This year’s Refuge Outdoor Festival was incredible and I’m truly looking forward to next year’s gathering! It was the diversity medicine I needed and I met people I’ll definitely be spending time with between retreats.

I grew up in a Black family surrounded by mostly White people and Christian culture (I know, how did I end up like this?!). It made it harder to access some of the deepest parts of who I am and it’s a privilege to have so much more space to do so now.

Moon Reading: Full Moon In Virgo

Happy Full Harvest Moon in Pisces! This is a Water sign that has no problem operating on the deepest realms of our emotions and intuition. Couple that with six planets in retrograde (including the unfairly feared Mercury Retrograde) and you’ve got yourself a very potent time to do/release some inner work. Anybody feeling some extra feels up in here?!

Read on for more Full Moon insights…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Moon in Capricorn and Happy New Year (Gregorian calendar style)!! I wonder if the calendar making folks knew what they were doing when they drew up plans to start the calendar year in the sign of Capricorn, the eldest Earth sign with a trademark organized, focused, can-do energy. If grinding is the only thing on your mind tho, you might miss out on some of the other powerful influences of this time. Read Below for more New Moon insight.

Moon Reading: New Moon in Sagittarius

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius!! Ok it’s kind of the same news but a different spirit: Yes this moon phase carries an intensity and an edge that we’ve experienced over the last few moons, but Sag energy loves a little kerfuffle, a little wrench thrown into the mix to create something new and it delights in seeing the jolly big picture.