THANK YOU for meditating with me!

THANK YOU for meditating with me!

THANK YOU to everyone who came to breathe with me, who came to find relief, community, develop skills, who came in curiosity, who came when they didn’t want to, who came to see me or just be in the sweetness of the meditation space. It’s an honor to share mindfulness and a gift to sharpen my own skills and learn by teaching. Remember to tap into that internal “safe space”, where your belly rises and falls with breath, every now again and say, “Hello Breath!”. Your awareness of the present moment is the point of meditation practice and every time you Be. Here. Now, you’re nailing it:)

Thank you @gatheringroots for the opportunity to teach and to our lovely BIPOC community no less! Thank you for compensating me beautifully for this work and offering your platform to lift us teachers up and allow us to do our work.

More to come ya’ll, what type of woo/spirit offerings do you want to see?? For now, I’m going to summer my a** off, tend friends/family, tend garden, try to write often and soak in whatever sun we can get (you know what I mean if you’re in the PNW haha).

With love and sincere gratitude for your support, Heather A. Adams

The Semi Woo Meditation Practice Cycle

1. Focus on your breath, belly rising and falling, breath coming in and going out like an ocean wave

2. You will get distracted, there will be competition for your attention, It's all G.

3. Observe the choice to continue to stay lost in thought OR return to your focus on the cycle of breath

4. Flex your focus muscle, choose the present moment (depending on how juicy the distraction is, this could be tough!) and return back to your breath, belly rising and falling, breath coming in and going out like an ocean wave.

Repeat for 5-30 minutes, choosing the present moment as many times as you can in the amount of time you've committed to. You can sub the focus on your breath for nature/cloud watching, dancing, dishwashing, love making, laundry folding, walking, playing with the kids, anything! Be kind with yourself as you work to stay focused & let the thought storms float on by.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Capricorn

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Capricorn

I Had An Abortion

I Had An Abortion