Hot Tips for 2021 Brought To You By A Full Moon in Cancer

Hot Tips for 2021 Brought To You By A Full Moon in Cancer

Merry Full Moon in Cancer and last one of 2020!! We did it and we learned a TON.

Hot Tips for 2021 Brought To You By A Full Moon in Cancer♋:

Spend way more time TRUSTING YOURSELF

Connect with your physical body in a big way

Update your definition of Family

Harness the power of Acceptance, feel your energy return

Self-Compassion, it’s time to appreciate and respect yourself

Find ways to express your spirit and delight in the spaces you inhabit

Spend your energy wisely, refine your focus often

Evolve your relationship with expressing emotions

Speak Your Truth, hold space for the Truth of fellow beings

WELCOME THE FUTURE IN (vs. letting go of the past)

🖼 Beautiful Art by: @hanakomimiko

#fullmoonincancer #lastfullmoonoftheyear #beautifulart #newyears2021 #thatsawrap2020 #isurvived2020 #thankyouforthelessons2020 #welcomefuture #welcomeconsciousness #welcomeageofaquarius #findyourwayback

The spotlight on the New Moon in Capricorn is SUPPORT!

The spotlight on the New Moon in Capricorn is SUPPORT!

A Great Consciousness Shift & Energy Flow

A Great Consciousness Shift & Energy Flow