Full Wolf Moon in Leo January 2021

Full Wolf Moon in Leo January 2021

Happy Full Wolf Moon in Leo!! The First Full  Moon of 2021 and ooooo she comes in howling and roaring! The sign of Leo excites a part of my soul named Authenticity. I feel quite daring under a Leo moon and downright provocative when it’s full.

This Leo moon suggests you take on daring feats of healthy self-centered work that might look like:

-Hospicing the end of projects or relationships that require you to diminish the blossoming parts of yourself 

-Accepting exciting opportunities you’re not yet prepared for

-Relating with new people for the primary purpose of self-expression (aka take your personality for a joy ride)

-Using the feeling of “sexyness” as motivation for self care and elevated wellness (i.e. “Damn I look good on this walk!”)

BONUS: Rethink the phrase “FOLLOW YOUR PASSION”. Many of us automatically hear “Pick a career, work hard,move forward”. De-commodify the notion of passion in your life, especially if you’ve been in a spiral of “searching” for your passion for a while. Passion is the flutter in our heart when we watch a dance video, share a laugh, see a sunset or watch another dog rescue video. Detach “passion” from your job, career or means to pay bills. Create links, even small ones, between your hobbies/interests/passions and your current life. All it takes to be  a writer, dancer, designer, etc. is to regularly write, dance, design, etc. Do the things that light you up (aka follow your passion) Just. Because. It. Makes. YOU. Happy. In that space, you truly “find yourself.”

Art/Image By Sheeba May (Beautiful Black Woman embodying the spirit of the majestic, inviting and beautiful Lion that crowns her head)

#sheebamaya #leofullmoon #aquariusseason #wolfmoon #fullwolfmoon #shinefortheworld #followyourpassion #moonreadings #semiwoo #woowoo  #holistichealing #seattlemeditation #seattlemindfulness #pocwellness #pocinbusiness #woowooforall #ancestralhealing #blackhealers #medicinewomen 

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