All tagged moon wisdom

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Moon in Leo! Happy Aquarius Season!

 I’ve been writing astral/moon insights for three beautiful years, almost to the day, and feel the Aquarian winds of transition and change blowing me toward new creative pursuits and curiosities to sink my teeth into.

I can't believe it’s been that long, I’m proud of myself dangit! It’s been a really lovely thing in my life on so many levels. 

Moon Reading: New Moon in Leo

Happy New Moon in Leo! We often think of Leo Season as a time to dare ourselves to express more with an updated wardrobe or out of character social media content. You’re not wrong! However, in this new moon moment we deepen our understanding of what it means to Show Up in this life. 

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Happy Super Full Moon in Aquarius!  We’ve got a bright, robust and juicy moon moment on our hands that combines a Leo reminder to always be true to yourself as a path to Self Love and an Aquarian reminder to always be true to yourself as a path to Group Harmony. Turns out being authentic and confident in your Truth is good for EVERYBODY!  Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Buck Super Moon in Capricorn! This moon is called the Buck Moon because it’s the time of year when the antlers of the deer reach their maximum growth potential. Likewise, this moon asks us to take stock of our own potential and use that awareness to manifest  from a place of more clarity, accuracy and authenticity. We’re always working to love ourselves enough to trust our intuition but this month we find the inner strength to actually do that work.. Read on for more full moon insight…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Taurus

Happy New Moon in Taurus!! Phew, release the valve on the red hot tension from the fading effect of this last Eclipse/Mercury Retrograde period.  Any seeds of clarity/confidence/commands you’ve been waiting on are ready to be planted in this fertile Earth sign moment. Read on for more moon insight…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aquarius

Happy New Moon in Aquarius!! This new moon is doing a lot as it heralds the start of the Lunar New Year in the Chinese Calendar and of Imbolc or St. Brigid’s Day a Gaelic Pagan festival. If you’re like me, the Gregorian calendar New Year on January 1 came all too fast. This moment gives us the opportunity to reset and renew our intentions with fresh energy.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Cancer

Happy Full Wolf Moon in Cancer! Our emotions and inner landscape will take center stage in this Water sign as the sensitive, sentimental energies of Cancer flow in. Wise teachers Venus and Mercury Retrograde will support any hunger to be introspective around things like relationships (especially around boundaries), communication, Love and values. Read below for more moon insights!

Moon Reading: New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Moon in Capricorn and Happy New Year (Gregorian calendar style)!! I wonder if the calendar making folks knew what they were doing when they drew up plans to start the calendar year in the sign of Capricorn, the eldest Earth sign with a trademark organized, focused, can-do energy. If grinding is the only thing on your mind tho, you might miss out on some of the other powerful influences of this time. Read Below for more New Moon insight.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Gemini

Happy Full Cold Moon in Gemini! It’s the last full moon of 2021 and one that should arrive with mental relief from the astrological upheaval we just survived. Flip the switch into Thrive: Gemini has a buzzy social, optimistic, communicative energy that will be a breath of fresh Air.

Moon Reading: New Moon in Sagittarius

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius!! Ok it’s kind of the same news but a different spirit: Yes this moon phase carries an intensity and an edge that we’ve experienced over the last few moons, but Sag energy loves a little kerfuffle, a little wrench thrown into the mix to create something new and it delights in seeing the jolly big picture.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aries

Happy Full Hunter's Moon in Aries!!

The mighty wind of a potent Mercury Retrograde is now fading but the feels and intensity may not soon diminish

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool...Before tipping into despair, know that Aries is a mighty fire sign known for its bravery, stamina and adept ability in forging paths and creating new worlds and energies. YOU CAN DO THI

And aim high while you’re at it!

Moon Reading: New Moon in Leo

Happy New Moon in Leo 2021 !! Find the Lion Heart within, how can you share your light as an offering to others? When Leo months comes around I know there is extra magic available to those who are looking to cultivate more confidence in who they are. Hint: Cultivating confidence requires bravery! Gulp:)

Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

Happy New Moon in Cancer!!! The moon is resting comfortably in her own sign so breath in vibrations of release and being held. Many parts of life are beginning to reopen and the N. Hemisphere summer has come into full swing, yay! On the flip side you may all of a sudden be dealing with nostalgia and/or sadness over leaving the cozy homebody life…

Moon Reading: Full Super Strawberry Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Strawberry Supermoon in Capricorn!! The beautiful cosmic chaos has quelled a bit as Mercury goes direct and a powerful series of eclipses and The Summer Solstice are in our rearview mirror. It’s a lovely time to harness the tenacity of Earth Goat Capricorn as you press your way forward into the unknown. It’s also Water Crab Cancer time which means lessons around tending to home, vulnerability and village will also surface. Here are more insights offered for your way…