Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Happy Super Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius!! This Aquarius Full Moon on top of Leo Season whips up the flames of honoring (and using wisely) the gifts of your Authenticity. The fresh wind and flame are here to transform you in subtle or huge ways. Turning that dial is  always up to you….see below for more full moon readings.

Release, Create Space: Mentors, Resources and Fresh Energy are many and waiting in the wings, eager to shower upon you. This is a time for generosity and abundance!  Do you have enough space cleared to receive? Humans are so good at collecting, stockpiling and amassing things. We’re not so great at releasing. The problem is, when we come across something we actually need and we’re full to the brim with crap we think we MIGHT need, we miss out on or don’t fully absorb our lessons/blessings. 

Go into the storage locker within and find a few boxes you can let go. Hurt feelings, grudges, humiliation, stale stories, things you didn’t understand then but understand now: You. Don’t. Need. Them. Don’t let old fear/hurt based stories fill you and define you. And don’t hurriedly  backfill the space you’ve created when it suddenly feels uncomfortable or overwhelming to be that….open. You get to become whatever and whoever YOU decide:)  

The buffet is open, fill your plate wisely! In this magic moon moment, with all its sparkling gifts and potential, what you need is SPACE. Space for all the newness, healthy roots, new memories, your rightful abundance and the fruition of dreams you’ve long been weaving.

You’re Never Done Creating: There is no end to human reinvention. We are designed to never stop dreaming, scheming and imaging. Let’s stop thinking about Youth as age based, there’s enough proof to know that notion doesn’t hold up. Youth is a Vibe, an energy found in renewal, openness, curiosity and new beginnings. I mention this as an invitation to start the process of redefining you and your life. Do you want to be a writer? Write! Dancer? Dance! Traveler? Go Seek! Want love? Love! Art to birth? Create! You are what you DO, not what you're paid to do. 

We often think we’re only successful if we're getting paid to do it, that we’ll only be happy if our output is judged and then accepted by a panel of “authority”. That’s a nasty symptom of capitalism. The real T is, you are successful when you do the things that you think will make you happy and you actually allow yourself to feel happy about/while doing them. No talk of the “End Game,” monetization, critique or comparison. Do the things that make you feel young, alive and full of energy and You will be restored.

Have a beautiful Full Moon Celebration, this is the last Super Moon of the year AND the Perseid Meteor Shower will be going off this weekend so yea, you may wanna dance under this beauty!!

With love and gratitude Heather Ace xoxo

Photo Cred: @vp_photography_worthing

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