Moon Reading: Full Moon In Virgo

Moon Reading: Full Moon In Virgo

Happy Full Harvest Moon in Pisces! This is a Water sign that has no problem operating on the deepest realms of our emotions and intuition. Couple that with six planets in retrograde (including the unfairly feared Mercury Retrograde) and you’ve got yourself a very potent time to do/release some inner work. Anybody feeling some extra feels up in here?!

Read on for more Full Moon insights…

The brain has developed a funky way of ignoring/denying/discounting/deceiving/disputing our Intuition. Have a weird gut feeling about that new job offer or partner? I’m sure the mind has already sent in like s12 counter thoughts to get you to stuff your feelings down immediately. 

We often create scenarios in our head where the next person/payday/move will solve all of our problems and we hold onto those expectations like Rose on a piece of Titanic scrap. We deny/bury our innermost desires so we can’t be hurt when they don’t materialize. It’s the mind's way of saving you but from what exactly? Fear of the unknown? Fear of perpetual unhappiness? Fear of having to stand in your authenticity before an insecure and judgmental audience? Ok, but Fear should never be a reason to limit your life and power, then anyone and anything can own you.

Without dispute you deserve better than to live at half-potential and we’re designed with an innate bravery when it comes to living our Truth.  You don’t need protection from your inner landscape, you need to get to know it better, dissolve fear around it and spend more time within. This process takes time and patience but ultimately sets you up on a faster track to where you wanna go.

 If your mindfulness practices have been in a slump, this is the perfect time to retune/refresh how you get present so as to turn up the dial on your Intuition. The more in tune you are, the less you have to question, hesitate and kick into overthink. Keep your channels as clear as possible with deeper emotional releases, whole food, hydration and your rituals and practices for wellness (bonus blessings for tapping into your creative side). 

This is the perfect moon to begin harvesting all these incredible puzzle pieces that make up You, collect them with zeal! You are awesome and you’ve got to start seeing the full, vibrant, balanced picture of who you are. Be kind and gentle with yourself in this process so that you feel protected and fearless as you approach deeper realms of self-knowing, self acceptance and healing. 

During this watery Full Moon we circle back to the power of vulnerability and seeking out our truth. 

-Own your emotions, realness and unedited desires

-Being unsure in this life is a given, work to release fear of the unknown and align in the present with what makes you truly happy and curious

-Feel no pressure to explain inner feelings with the limitations of spoken language. 

-Fade the voices of the mind (and cowardly rationale/patriarchal/caplistic/academic influence)  that tamper, edit and diminish your inner voice lest you curdle and dim your powers of manifestation.

Get still and become receptive to the messages, solutions and truths of your inner wisdom. 


This is the last full moon of summer so take that time to look up at the Sky and express gratitude for the months that have grown our seeds into food. Savor the last tomatoes and watermelons and have a very beautiful Autumn Equinox celebration:) with love xoxo Heather Ace

Photo credit: A naked human wades in the beautiful sparkling water and atmosphere of their truth and authenticity in another great work from @_carmenseijas_

#fullmooninpisces2022 #fullmooninpisces #harvestmoon #onthisharvestmoon #lastsummerfullmoon #fullmoonwisdom #mercuryretorgrade #neptunehealing #virgoseason #endofsummer #innerwork

In gratitude for an incredible Summer☀️

In gratitude for an incredible Summer☀️

Moon Reading: New Moon in Virgo

Moon Reading: New Moon in Virgo