Moon Reading: Full Moon in Pisces

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Pisces

Happy Full Harvest Moon in Pisces, Last Day of Summer & Autumnal Equinox!!! It’s a beautiful, bittersweet moment in the year when Summer turns to Fall. As a mirror of this transitory/liminal time you may feel pulled in all sorts of different directions. That’s ok! Check the insights below on how to harness this energy:

Fine tune your grieving skills: Grief is an essential step in your spiritual growth. You must acquire the skills to emotionally and energetically shed the chapters in your life that come to an end or that take an unexpected turn you weren't “expecting.” Allow yourself to sit with grief when it arises vs. bottling it up to be evoked some other day in the future. Virgo energy is all about solutions but Pisces is all about feeling. Follow The Fish (Pisces) on this one. Feel into the grief of something for as long as you need before scurrying to find solutions and make it go away. Grief provides some of the biggest lessons that will come your way in life and grief is also an opportunity to celebrate and honor something momentous that occurred in your life. Do your grief justice and feel into the emotion. It soon will pass....

Pump up the Passion!: Sometimes Passion feels like the reward you get for letting something go. Stuffing things down, ruminating and hiding takes a LOT of energy. When the grief process fades and you make a valiant effort to move through something with grace, you’ll be left with space. This magical season beckons us to put a few things in that space that make us feel passionate! Where can you infuse passion into your routine, relationships, ideas and extracurricular activities? If it’s been awhile since you’ve felt The Spark, you might need to practice. I suggest a journey into the teachings of the wise Marie Kondo. Surround yourself in an environment that sparks joy and that will recalibrate your ability to receive and spread joy. DO you want to feel good? This Moment is yet another invitation to do so:)

Happy Birthday Virgos!!!!! My Virgo Full Moon is feeling this one:) I’m grieving this, the Last Day of Summer. I open heartedly welcome this Autumn Season! Full Moon Blessings and Piscean Wisdom to you all!!! Spend lots of time absorbing this transition outside in intentional communion with nature On This Harvest Mooooooon…

Beautiful =Full Moon Vibes= painting by @from_the_forest Jenny Kastner

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BIPOC Weekend Meditation is BACK!

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