Moon Reading: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Happy Full Super Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius!! It’s a big and beautiful time in this moon that craves newness! It’s about following your arrow where it points without the weight of “what ifs”. Envision the frazzled and frayed edges of your expansion as badass fringe on your Explorer’s Coat, you’ve got a journey to relish:) Read below for more moon insight:

Refresh the Spirit: If you’re feeling the cynicism of “Knowing/Seeing It All” it’s probably been awhile since you’ve flexed your Curiosity muscle. When we are in a state of curiosity we are open, we are in the present and the dial on our judgment is turned down way low. This state of receptivity is POTENT because instead of maintaining that death grip and unblinking gaze on our limited expectations we find space to refine or even recreate our dreams from a more aligned and energetic place. Think of a child, approaching a situation for the first time: open to what unfolds, delighting in observation, judgements on hold. Magic is allowed in.  As adults we often find that a rush of newness feels more like a violent rollercoaster into the unknown than a beautiful blossoming. We tend to avoid things we don’t understand, that aren’t familiar, what a shame!  It’s time to celebrate curiosity and cherish the expansion that it brings. Where are the areas in your life where you’ve closed the door to renewal, to fresh infusion? Where are you refusing to be a student and instead taking on the role of hardened, closed, self-appointed authority? We never graduate from Life School so find joy in being a student, stay curious, integrate newness and in this way your wisdom will radiate.

Rewrite Your Stories: The stories we tell ourselves make up our reality and chances are we’ve ultimately lumped our stories into two camps called Right and Wrong. In this expansive moon cycle our ability to expand beyond this limited, judgmental and superficial duality is heightened. What if you moved all your stories into a space called, “Lessons”? In this space all your experiences and choices become your teachers, shapers, mentors. Instead of turning our heads in shame or basking in surface joy we harvest the tools and jewels from our life experiences, regarding each of them as a learning moment and a stepping stone forward. Oh what abundance!  Break the cycle of operating in fear based limitation, self-imposed punishment and catastrophic, worst-case-scenario fantasy. Close chapters, open new chapters, the book is yours to write. Find balance and renewal in rewriting/retelling your stories with silver linings, hope, optimism and life expanding open endedness. 

Enjoy seasonal, local, organic fruit from your nearby farmers & garden keepers as a way to celebrate this last moon before the Solstice, summer is here and it’s time to rejoice!!! With love and full moon blessings, Heather Ace xoxo

Photo art of woman archer aiming into a pink moon scape by @crownandpalette

#fullmooninsagittarius #supermoon #strawberrymoon #fullmoonvibes #fullmooninsagittarius2022 #astrology #fullmoonwiswom #moonexpansion #studentoflife #therestisstillunwritten

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