Juneteenth Meditation & Breathwork Ceremony

Juneteenth Meditation & Breathwork Ceremony

Join me for a special edition of our weekly BIPOC Weekend Meditation! In honor of Juneteenth we will enjoy an introduction into a more “active meditation”, using our breath to become more conscious, connected and clear. Breathwork is a powerful tool that can aid in our healing and offer a beautiful path toward wholeness, the BIPOC community is warmly invited to join in this Saturday June 18th 10am-11am PST via Zoom.


-Beginner’s welcome!

-We will be seated for a short grounding meditation and will lay down for the Breathwork portion

-Have a cup or bottle of fresh water nearby

-Set up a comfortable place to lay down in advance (wear layers or have a blanket ready, pillow)

-Use speakers, headphones, etc to enhance the audio if possible

-Limit distractions (occupy pets, give housemates a heads up, etc)

-Camera on or off is A-OK

-Bring any sacred items you’d like to your space (palo santo, crystals, sage, Ancestral items, oracle cards, meaningful tokens, feathers, etc)


(If you identify with any of the contraindications below you are advised to not take part in the active breathwork pattern BUT please feel free to join us with your normal breath in and out. Please feel free to contact me at hello@semiwoo.com with any questions.)


high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or glaucoma


bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or dissociative identity disorder

history of severe PTSD or complex trauma

active spiritual emergency

Wishing Us True Freedom on Juneteenth

Wishing Us True Freedom on Juneteenth

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Sagittarius