Moon Reading: Full Moon in Scorpio

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Scorpio

Happy Full Flower Super Blood Moon in Scorpio with a Total Lunar Eclipse! And might I add, during another potent and revealing Mercury Retrograde. Ok that’s a lot of things! Don’t let the murky velvet waters of Scorpio lose you in confusion. This is a healing time, a golden opportunity to transform! Let the water be a mirror you might bravely hold your gaze with long enough to see something new within…More moon insights below….

Appreciate Your Inheritance: We were all given a particular set of skills in that moment we took our first breath of life. Many of these powers you’ve most likely discovered along the way but chances are there is a wealth of resources and untapped gifts waiting in the wings to propel you into that next inevitable version of You. Whether you use them in this lifetime or not, the Universe will send endless, open invitations for you to invest your Spiritual Inheritance, to unlock potential unknown and send even more regenerative energy forth. Many of us tend to doubt our spiritual gifts, keeping our resources on the shelf, waiting for things to be crystal clear, dropped in our laps, easy. But I’ll tell you what's not easy: sitting in fear or apathy by the edge of the cliff when you really desire to fly. What energy will you bequeath to the universe, stagnation or regeneration?

Death IS Life: For a very long time (too long) humans have been terrified of death, grasping for a way to live forever even when one of the only things we truly know is that everything moves in a cycle of birth and death, beginning and end. We use SO much energy to stay the same, falsely believing we’re defying Endings, thwarting death. Trying to pause the cycles of life is not only a losing game but it will gobble up your reserves even faster. When things are allowed to die naturally they become the ingredients that create new life. Can you allow the nutrition and lessons of death to nourish you? Identify the places in your life where you are reading the last few chapters over and over again instead of closing the book. Death creates life and that is something you can guarantee. Stay present in the cycles of reincarnation with brave grace.

That Big Beautiful Lunar Eclipse can be seen with the naked eye tonight in many places around the world. Jumping through the portal of opportunity at this time will require noble sacrifice and be repaid with new life, fresh perspective and untapped potential. Make a ceremony out of it, a ritual that is personal and important to you then, Take the leap!!!

Xoxo Heather Ace

Artwork by Mememe @mememeii0

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