All tagged libra

Moon Reading: New Moon in Libra

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra! A swath of the world might be able to see a ring of fire in the sky today. This signals  a call for us humans, of the same material as the Sun, to look at our shadows. Often the sides of ourselves we fear the most end up being our biggest allies in our journey toward authenticity and meaningful relationships. In this moon moment, even micro changes can lead to major life transformations. Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Libra

Happy Full Pink Moon in Libra! Currently doing Disneyland with a big lovely group of my  in-laws after a weekend in Palm Springs witnessing the transition of my husband's Grandfather, all during Aries season with a potent Libra Moon so yea, lessons on lessons on lessons! 

Here’s a quick Libra (aka lessons in balance and harmony) fueled Moon Reading because relationships are ultimately treasure troves of wisdom:

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Libra

Happy Full Pink Supermoon in Libra! This Full Moon is the astrological new year as it’s the first full moon to occur in the first sign of the Zodiac Calendar. The name of the Aries-Libra game is Me vs. We and you may be feeling that deep polarity in a myriad of, let’s just say “Activating” ways.