All tagged relationships

Moon Reading: New Moon in Libra

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra! A swath of the world might be able to see a ring of fire in the sky today. This signals  a call for us humans, of the same material as the Sun, to look at our shadows. Often the sides of ourselves we fear the most end up being our biggest allies in our journey toward authenticity and meaningful relationships. In this moon moment, even micro changes can lead to major life transformations. Read on for more moon insights…

How To Renegotiate A Relationship That Isn't Working

Are you in one of those heavy relationship moments that asks: Should I stay or should I go?! Chances are, if you're evaluating the worth of one of your relationships, you're evaluating your Life on the whole. It'd be really choppy to step into a new life and work to retain the same cast of characters. As we grow, things come and go out of our bubble, people included, it's just how it works.

Deep Friendship Healing in the Desert

I just spent a week of expansion and healing with one of my closest friends, spirit sister and long time creative project partner. We spent time talking deeply and openly, partaking in a few plant medicine ceremonies and in meditation in San Diego, Palm Desert and Joshua Tree. WE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE than when we started the week.