Wishing Us True Freedom on Juneteenth

Wishing Us True Freedom on Juneteenth

It’s a sick irony that my Uncle George’s birthday is on Juneteenth yet he’s been incarcerated for over 30 years due to the “3 Strikes” California law. Basically commit 3 crimes, any 3 crimes, and they lock and cage you for seemingly ever (mostly just BIPOC & poor folk, of course).  Doesn’t matter your age, doesn’t matter that you were trying to feed your hungry family, doesn’t matter if you’re a good person, doesn’t matter if the police lied or the justice system failed you. 

George Robinson is an elder now, battling cancer, didn’t get to attend his sister’s, brother’s or mother’s funerals, doesn’t get to see his kids and grandkids grow up (and they’re doing incredible things).  Yet, despite all this, my uncle is a gentle, kind man with more hope and optimism than most. 

I’ll never forget a lesson imparted to me by the spirit Ayahuasca. She showed me that the four walls, bars and chains my Uncle has been forced to endure are not in fact imprisonment. True imprisonment is the prison of the mind: not having gratitude for the beautiful parts of this life, deciding your life and the life of others isn’t precious and not having any hope for a future that can and will get better. 

No one can be shackled and captive that still has control of their mind, my Uncle knows this. On this Juneteenth I wish hope, bright future, freedom energy and joy to all African American people. All we are called to do in this chapter is LIVE in joy, with pride and with hope and faith that things are and will continue to get better for us!!

To all my relations, ancestors, guides and spirits who support me, Ase and Ajo, deeply and with my deepest gratitude and eternal appreciation.

Happy Birthday to my Uncle George & sweet Cousin Nikki!!

Happy Father’s Day to the folks out there supporting the growth of development of our children without getting in their way!!

#juneteenth #releaseyourselffrommentalslavery #freeyourmind #blackjoy #youllneverbreakourspirit #weshallovercome #happyfathersday #repealthreestrikes #becausemylifeisnotagame #strikeoutthreestrikes #endmassincarceration #restorecommunites

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