A Moon Ritual

A Moon Ritual


1. Set up an altar: Designate a special place to intentionally gather items that represent the Four Directions (Earth, Fire, Air, Water), your connection to your ancestry, lineages, land and other items of Spiritual significance (sage, palo santo, crystals, stones, etc)

2. Light a candle or fire

3. Meditate: On The New Moon meditate on what you want to show up in your life and on The Full Moon meditate on where you can create space by releasing something. Singing, journaling, drumming and dancing are all great meditations to explore.

4. Create an Intention: Write down your intentions on a piece of paper. What came up during meditation? With a deep breath in and out, state your intention out loud and then burn the paper if that option is safely available.

5. Connect With The Moon Further: On the New Moon consider taking a bath with essential oils or cleaning/revamping house. On the Full Moon consider "Moon Bathing" (soaking up the moon rays) and charging your crystals outside. In whatever moon phase you honor, give gratitude, invoke healing and practice self-compassion.


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