Woo Upgrade: Voting as Ceremony

Woo Upgrade: Voting as Ceremony

Voting in this country has been controversial since the minute a room full of slave owning colonists made up the rules we still use over 230 years later.

This year is no exception as the topic of voting could divide a Zoom call in seconds. In the spirit healing arts world it’s not a virtue to engage in the world of increasingly toxic US politics and systems.
Alas, the magnetic pull of the drama, chaos and passion finds a lot of spiritual people confronted with a decision. Should I vote aka engage with and acknowledge the flawed Earthly world and a twisted system that doesn’t speak for me, or not vote, in a symbolic act that attempts to say, “I don't accept your power and function and I refuse to cast my Light into your dark, dying world.”
Oh yes it’s that dramatic in this heart of mine! And surely if you're reading this your personal perspective has already made it from your heart to your mind and might be itching on your lips or fingertips….

After some deep reflection on the new moon I’ve personally found that my feelings around voting this year align with my feelings around my personal power and potential to change the world.
I have so much hope for a more connected, healthy and balanced world. I pour my heart into that vibration every day with meditation, writing, healing work and planning a beautiful future.
If I believe I have the ability to co-create a better world, if I believe that my thoughts create my reality and if I believe that casting a vote and sending that energy into the system could bring us into more balance then I believe Ima vote this year.

I’ve charged my ballot with prayers of energy and change that I want to see in the world. Love, connection, compassion, respect for the Earth and balance.
Whether you vote or not please send your prayers, thoughts and actions of HOPE for a better future when and where you can, your Earthly Family could surely use it right about now…..
#vote #thankyouancestors #motherearth
#wecandobetter #stepintoyourpower #thereisabetterway #castavotingspell #morelovelesshate #oneloveonelove

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