All tagged moon ritual

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Moon in Leo! Happy Aquarius Season!

 I’ve been writing astral/moon insights for three beautiful years, almost to the day, and feel the Aquarian winds of transition and change blowing me toward new creative pursuits and curiosities to sink my teeth into.

I can't believe it’s been that long, I’m proud of myself dangit! It’s been a really lovely thing in my life on so many levels. 

Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

Happy New Moon in Cancer!!! The moon is resting comfortably in her own sign so breath in vibrations of release and being held. Many parts of life are beginning to reopen and the N. Hemisphere summer has come into full swing, yay! On the flip side you may all of a sudden be dealing with nostalgia and/or sadness over leaving the cozy homebody life…

Moon Reading: Full Super Strawberry Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Strawberry Supermoon in Capricorn!! The beautiful cosmic chaos has quelled a bit as Mercury goes direct and a powerful series of eclipses and The Summer Solstice are in our rearview mirror. It’s a lovely time to harness the tenacity of Earth Goat Capricorn as you press your way forward into the unknown. It’s also Water Crab Cancer time which means lessons around tending to home, vulnerability and village will also surface. Here are more insights offered for your way…

A Moon Ritual


1. Set up an altar: Designate a special place to intentionally gather items that represent the Four Directions (Earth, Fire, Air, Water), your connection to your ancestry, lineages, land and other items of Spiritual significance (sage, palo santo, crystals, stones, etc)