Moon Reading: New Moon in Gemini

Moon Reading: New Moon in Gemini

Happy New Moon in Gemini!! New Moons signal for us to look inward and so do Mercury Retrogrades, which we’re currently in. Both of these moments also deal with communication so we’ve got a huge assignment to gaze bravely and honestly into how we transmit, express and impart our Truth. Are you poisoning/cluttering with your communication or nourishing/lifting up? Read below for more moon insights:

Shut UP: Gemini energy is buzzy with communication energy, anybody else having sensations and experiences around their neck/throat/throat chakra/lungs? The communication airwaves are positively cluttered, toxic with reactive, unconscious emotion and unprocessed grief and trauma.  It seems absolutely everyone has something to say and the crowd of voices means we often have to shout and shock to feel like we’re being heard. 

In this new moon moment I urge you to gracefully, and with love, shut up. And don’t just shut up your outward flow, turn the dial down on what's coming in as well. The avenues in which we all now heavily rely on to communicate are not serving us or our need to be understood, seen and validated. You’d be much better served during this time by recalibrating and rediscovering what it is you even want to say. Chances are you’ve been shouting so long that you’ve transitioned and changed, leaving your message irrelevant and hollow. Many of us strain to communicate to the wrong people sapping our energy as we try to persuade/convince.  Maybe the message has gotten across but you’re just not  satisfied with the reception. Maybe you don’t even believe or care about what you're communicating, you just feel the need to show up, assert, fill space. Communication makes us feel like we have a sense of control in  moments where we feel powerless, directionless but when it’s used incorrectly it becomes a poison rather than a panacea.

It’s time to get quiet and allow intuition from within to spring up. Begin to ask questions for the answers, instead of fodder to prove a point. Meditate, spend time in nature, have a tech break, recalibrate your feed. Let mind clutter rise up and release. Find strength in not responding. Relearn how to feel comfortable in quiet and peace. Listen. 

When it’s time to communicate after a period of inner work, an open and receptive audience will be there waiting. You will feel humbled by the gift and responsibility of nourishing the audience with your truth. Your expression will flow with grace, it will be inspired, deeply conscious, bigger than you and in this way, your ability to communicate will heal you deeply and heal others around you in the process.  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI’s!!!! Practically my entire maternal side are Gemini’s and many of my dear friends. With these fellow Air Signs there is never a dull moment so remember to pull back and pause from time to time for the perfect balance during this season  xoxo Heather Ace

Photo Cred: Another beautiful piece by @_carmenseijas_ 

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