Moon Reading: New Moon in Virgo
Happy New Moon in Virgo! This down-to-Earth sign couldn’t come at a better time, we can all certainly use a surge of grounding, can-do energy. The combination of planetary alignments and retrogrades above our head promises passion and prowess in planning our futures, heads up! Shift the gaze from misery to hope and your compass will return. Check out the insights below for more moon harnessing inspo!
Maneuver around the minutiae: Virgo Energy gives us the gumption to get sh** done but can easily lose steam by getting in the details. Ever set out to get the whole house clean but ended up spending 2 hours cleaning a light switch plate? While this new moon is the perfect time to start new projects and dust off old goals that still excite you, avoid stopping your progress forward with chronic indecision, futile perfectionism, or tired fears based on past/others’ experiences. You don’t have to have everything figured out before you make a move. In fact you learn and grow by MAKING MOVES. Let fear of failure, fear of success and fear of not getting things right fade, you’ve got dreams to realize this month!
Become a better student: You don’t know-it-all, let that universal truth relax you instead of trigger you. The shadow side of this moon may be illuminated in our need to be right, to influence others, to tightly grip our beliefs and our need to play the teacher role. That’s a lot of self-assigned responsibility! Tip the scales into balance this month by becoming a better student. Get curious, ask more questions and work on listening to understand instead of listening to respond. Becoming a better student always makes a better teacher. Class is in session, in what areas will you expand your understanding and outlook?
Honor the labor of our ancestors: Today’s New Moon Falls on the US holiday of Labor Day.Over the years it’s become more of the de-facto end of summer instead of an intentional day to honor the Labor movement, unions and the working class. Scores of our ancestors were killed or horribly injured in factories and hellish work environments that have existed as long as capitalism. Many more, young children included, toiled in subhuman conditions with little to no pay and a bleak outlook on life. The cycle continues today and a lot of us struggle with the lasting effects of this ancestral trauma. Today would be a beautiful day to rest, breathe deeply and light a candle/say a prayer to the workers who have gone before us and the incredible lineage of people who continue to envision and protect a better future for us.
Happy Birthday Virgo Babies!!!! I have a lot of beloved Virgos in my life and am a Virgo Moon myself so I see you! Happy Labor Day, ajo and ase to those who have gone before us!!
Xoxo Heather Ace

Photo Credit: @_kallenmikel Kallen Mikel Art
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