4 Earth Friendly Products I Use On My Quest To Respect The Planet

4 Earth Friendly Products I Use On My Quest To Respect The Planet

I'm on a journey to reduce the amount of waste I produce and the amount of plastic I use. 

I don't go anywhere without my water bottle, I remember to bring my usable shopping bags about 92% of the time and I have all but quit my paper towel habit by using cloth hand towels for practically everything.

I started taking things a little more seriously as it's been revealed that large scale industrial recycling is a destructive myth; a very tiny percent of recycled material gets repurposed with the majority ending up in landfills anyway. My existential dread and anxiety was REAL! 

While I wait around for policy changes that get stalled in ineffective/greed rooted agendas and out of touch CEO's in industries that cause the most damage to handle their business I have to do SOMETHING!

I paused and took an honest look at the amount of waste my household produces, did a little homework and found a few places we could make a change right away. I fully expected to have to sacrifice quality or adopt an  invoncenvient new process but it's been pretty simple and affordable while the quality of the things I surround myself with has greatly improved (A #taurusseason perk If I ever heard one!). 

Turns out Environmental Maturity can be quite luxurious...

I wanted to share four brands I'm really feeling that make things just a bit easier to do my part. A few of them have even caused improvements in my physical health.  It may seem like a drop in the bucket but drops add up and these efforts have shifted my overall values around sustainability (can't EVEN with fast fashion anymore) and ideas around gratitude. We need the Earth to live, how we treat it and engage with it can reveal so much.

On a personal level, being mindful about the products I use and where I focus my dollars and aligning myself with respect for the Planet has gone a long way toward quieting my anxiety surrounding this whole conversation.

What are your favorite ways to show the Earth you respect its incredible abundance, its unmatchable ability to provide and its life giving Beauty??

4 Earth Friendly Products I Use On My Quest To Respect The Planet That Sustains Life & Feel A Tiny Bit Better About Being A Human:

1. Earth Breeze Laundry Detergent Sheets

2. Earth Breeze Power Pebbles Dishwasher Tablets

3. Lunette Menstrual Cup

4. hannah : PAD

Happy Earth Day!!!!! I love you and THANK YOU Planet Earth!! I pledge to continue to do better, little by little, for the rest of my life here xoxo Heather Ace

 (not getting paid for advertising but I wouldn't say no to a check! heeeey:))

#earthday2023 #earthday #mamagaia #malamatheaina #everybithelps #wearetheworld #savetheplanet no #theplanetsavesus 

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