Oceania Journey: New Zealand, Australia, Bali in 3 Beautiful Weeks

Oceania Journey: New Zealand, Australia, Bali in 3 Beautiful Weeks

NZ >Australia>Bali. 3 weeks of pure journey joy!

(Itinerary and suggestions below!)

Tapped into childlike wonder in New Zealand. There is a tangible adventure spirit and a Maori / New Zealand current of pride, ease, confidence, nourishment and prehistoric realness that can only be described as a VIBE. The land is heaving with it. (North Island: Auckland, Rotorua, Piha Beach South Island: Queenstown)

Celebrated two of my best friends getting married with the families and friends that love them in a BIG way! We found animals I never thought I'd see (let alone pet: Kangarooooo!), had meaningful reunions and walked on inviting beaches as far as the eye could see. (Melbourne, Gold Coast (Tugun))

Returned to Bali, Indonesia and found the quiet and peaceful sides of a shifting paradise. Reconnected with the power of a sunset and ocean breeze.

I love to travel because trying new things and experiencing things I don't normally do is really meaningful to me. I'm honored when I get to, even momentarily, flow down a different river bed so to speak haha. When I'm in a place that really shines forth in its uniqueness and tradition I really do feel an invitation to be a little more authentic and "myself." It's liberating.

My favorite travel buddy and husband feels energized by those same experiences and cherishes them long after we've returned. Our marriage gets a real boost that carries through our home life as well. We return inspired, lit up and best of all, even more grateful for that sense of Home.

Something new happened on this journey where I felt moments of melancholy when I collided with what felt like vulgar consumer culture. Hoards of unimpressed and never satisfied people roamed around like zombies looking for the best places to take photos. I felt myself chafe with humiliation more than once when I kept having to swallow the fact that I was playing the part of a  tourist loathing tourist ("But, I'm not "THAT" type of tourist!"). 

Airplane takeoffs make me extra reflective. Every time we'd lift into the sky I'd think " How long can paradise last? Is there anywhere that's safe from having its authenticity sucked up, raked through and sold back, lesser, but easier for more consumers to digest and "get through"? Am I part of the problem? How do I do this sustainably, where and when I can?

I have a few ideas about sustainable, Earth and Culture nourishing travel and if you do too, I'd love to hear them!...until then, we'll be integrating the journey from a cozy home, at the edge of a forest in the Pacific Northwest autumn.

#maoricountry #newzealand #aucklandnz #queenstownnz #melbourneaustrailia #goldcoastaustrailia #baliindonesia #ubud #uluwatu #singapore 

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