Accepting The Body I Was Born Into

Circa Summer 2015 moments before a Sacred Mushroom Ceremony. That summer was incredibly pivotal in my ability to not just accept my body, but appreciate it, love it and even find it sexually attractive. I did the work to halt my mind's tirade to emotionally tear it apart at every turn. #easiersaidthandone

Mushrooms help expand the mind to offer us new possibilities for living and thinking. I chose a new thought pattern, and kept at it, even when doubts and old patterns worked to creep back in. Eventually, the new thought pattern replaced the old and I was living in a much kinder, exciting atmosphere. My body continues to morph and my love and appreciation sustains
This is #integration

I'd been waiting for YEARS to get to some magical point where I figured it'd be much easier to love myself and feel just as worthy as other bodies.

The time was always Now.

Thank you Mushroom Family for ushering in the #shift that gifted me my first skinny dipping experience, first sex on the beach, first (of MANY) outdoor showering sessions and the moments when I decided that accepting my skin suit would serve me faaaaaar better than trying to fight, reject and deny it.

Thank you @dominatrix not only for letting me crash in your Ditch Plains Montauk wonderland all Summer but for showing me how body positivity and acceptance is done, you are part of the team of guides that has transformed my life!! #spiritfamily #earthlyguides #bodypositivity

#thebodykeepsthescore #plantspiritmedicine #holistichealing #blackpeoplewithplants #mushroomceremony #mushroomtherapy #psilocybinceremony #psilocybintherapy #mushroomhealing #psilocybinhealing #ilovemybody #blackbodies #acceptance #radicalselflove #plussize #biggirl #somatichealing #savage #stallion ##TheBodyIsNotAnApology #blackpeopletrip #RadicalSelfLove #bodypositive

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Pay What You Like Classes at Semi Woo

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