All tagged aquarius

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Happy Super Full Moon in Aquarius!  We’ve got a bright, robust and juicy moon moment on our hands that combines a Leo reminder to always be true to yourself as a path to Self Love and an Aquarian reminder to always be true to yourself as a path to Group Harmony. Turns out being authentic and confident in your Truth is good for EVERYBODY!  Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aquarius

Happy New Moon in Aquarius/ Lunar New Year! We started the year with a jolt of focused, productive Capricornian energy that is likely fading into a familiar hangover of  lost motivation and that cynical, almost taunting voice of doubt. Take a deep breath and accept the fresh, airy invitation to reset your intentions anew and retool your approach. This invitation requires a collective, big picture view instead of the heavily personalized, step-by-step, day-by-day approach of before. Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aquarius

Happy New Moon in Aquarius!! This new moon is doing a lot as it heralds the start of the Lunar New Year in the Chinese Calendar and of Imbolc or St. Brigid’s Day a Gaelic Pagan festival. If you’re like me, the Gregorian calendar New Year on January 1 came all too fast. This moment gives us the opportunity to reset and renew our intentions with fresh energy.

New Moon in Aquarius 2021

Happy New Moon in Aquarius!!

When you poop or barf chances are you don't investigate the contents beyond a quick glance for health purposes (I know that ain't just me!). So why is it that when we purge emotional/spiritual waste we find it hard to flush?