Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Happy Full Moon in Aquarius!!! And during LEO Season!!  And there’s literally another Full Moon in Aquarius right after THIS one!I’m loving this particular mashup because it has me feeling frisky, cute and wanting to dance by myself (but around others?!). Aquarius is an Air Sign (many people confuse it’s archetype, the Water Bearer, for it’s sign). Go with your own flow during this time but DO make an effort to open up and shine, even if at a distance. Leo is about expression and standing in your authentic truth so SHOW UP, what do you have to lose? Here’s some more tidbits to get you through electric time:

1.Speak truth, with compassion: Your words matter, they create an energy and a vibration around you. Listen to yourself more deeply in the next few weeks, like really listen, and get a sense of your speech/preach patterns. Then, make an intention to use your words more wisely and beautifully. Like Supreme Aquarian Bob Marley, you’ll sow peace and good tidings wherever you float (Air sign pun!). Be artful with your approach to speaking truth in the coming weeks. Note the difference in speaking your MIND (SYM) vs. speaking your truth (SYT). Hint: SYM is almost too easy. It’s intention is often to nick someone's feelings while simultaneously feeling self righteous/superior. SYT is usually something you don’t want to do but straight up know you need to. Do it compassionately, briefly put yourself in the shoes of the person in front of you.

2. Think Globally, Act Locally: Aquarian energy holds a deep humanitarian current and this is a perfect time to tap into your service oriented side. Supporting others gets you out of your head and away from chronic patterns of spiraling downward. The Water Bearer reminds us we’re part of something way bigger than ourselves. Sign up for volunteer shifts, clean up trash, create public art/resources, teach a class and/or join affinity groups. Looking to “act locally” on a deeper level? Cultivate a more healthy family life. Whether it’s the one you were born into or the one you choose, strengthen your bonds and clean out old patterns and wounds that don’t serve the Whole. Want to affect change even deeper?? Begin to shift how you regard and nurture your very own mind and body. You’ve heard it but make it so: Be the change you want to see in the world. 

3. Enjoy some Earthly reincarnation: This is the perfect time to transform! Not only do we have Aquarius’s eccentric, ultra-Individual tendencies and forward thinking funkiness but it’s Live Out Loud Leo time as well. Find meaningful ways to express yourself more fully and accurately. Not just talking about clothing here. Feel the freedom to flaunt your way with words, feel into a new walk or dance style, surprise someone with a yes where it would normally be a no (and vice versa). Consciously shift how you operate in relationships and work settings.  What's on your self-expression bucket list? Be “next level”  YOU. (Tip: keep this journey light and curious!)

Happy Full Moon Goodies to my fellow Aquarian Darlings!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEOS!! Thank you for showing us the value in SHOWING UP in this world, yas!!! WOOHOOOOOO FULL MOON FRIDAY YA’LL!!! Have a big, bold, beautiful weekend!! xoxo Heather Ace

Beautiful Artwork By @ reynanoriega_

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