Moon Reading: Full Moon in Gemini

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Gemini

Happy Full Cold Moon in Gemini! It’s the last full moon of 2021 and one that should arrive with mental relief from the astrological upheaval we just survived. Flip the switch into Thrive: Gemini has a buzzy social, optimistic, communicative energy that will be a breath of fresh Air. Check out the moon insights below for help to navigate our current Full Moon landscape:

You talkin’ to me?!: Under the sign of transmission-loving Gemini it’s an important time to suss out our personal foundation for communication. We often take words at face value and rarely find patience for nuances and complexities that we know exist. Hold your Own communication skills in higher regard. Before you speak, what are you truly trying to communicate? Before you act, what is it that you are really intending? Keep aware of those interesting moments where you realize that how you act, what you say and how you feel are not actually in alignment. It’s very common, and important to spot. Those misalignments can be a sign of a lack of authenticity. Melding the intentions of your mind/body/soul create a crystal clear signal for transmitting AND receiving. It’s very important to remember that it’s not about how your messages are received, or understood. It just has to be true and complete to YOU. Find the time to hone in on the messages and vibrations you want to transmit out into the world. What do you really want to say? How do you really want to act and most importantly: How do you really want to feel?

Rethink your go-to “Receiving Mode”: Sometimes when we visualize/create desire (HIGHLY recommend) we stand there with our hands out, waiting day after day with growing concern for a manifestation that will surely make us feel good, maybe even change our life. We tightly grip that visualization, never allowing it to take it’s full shape and manifest. The easiest way to release the grip on a planted seed of manifestation is to take joy in the present moment. Yea, not an easy fix I know, the mind just seems to always sort of drift back toward what you don’t have. But, you can grow your ability to remain present! Dialing into your daily routines is a WONDERFUL place to start practicing as we move into Capricorn Season. Get out of your head and into your body with regular movement. Feed yourself foods that make you feel GOOD in the body, not just the mind. Make the bed. Square your expenses. Clean the countertops. Clip your nails. Live in and enhance your earthly plane.  It’s really about those little, regular YES’s to goodness  that make it easier to be present with life.  If they are manageable, our routines have a grounding effect and redirect our focus in a graceful way. Most importantly, the more you say YES, the better you get at it. And that type of inspired, receptive attitude will be particularly beneficial during this current astrological grab bag of infinite supply.

Happy Full Cold Moon Blessings to YOU!!! Hygge Dance Party is the theme lol.  Practically my entire Maternal Line is born in the Sign of Gemini  as are many of my dearest friends, lighting candles and honoring you, as I honor the end of Sagittarius Season. Have a beautiful Winter Solstice Ceremony as well, what a special time to be breathing and on Earth.

With love and care, xoxo Heather Ace

This moving photo is from @visitdrummondisland I appreciate the words about Indigenous knowledge in regards to time/season tracking included in the original post (12/15/21)

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