12.12.23 Breathwork Ceremony Review

12.12.23 Breathwork Ceremony Review

The Breath can heal what ails you!

I don't how I'm still surprised how deep I can connect and how much I can release by just breathing with intention. Deep breathing as a way to process is grounding and comforting and so....real. HIGHLY recommended for, well, most humans.

I am so honored to have held space for the mighty breathers @shywellness ! The space felt almost celebratory, these people were ready to surrender/release, ready to connect, and open to a shift back into calm and balance.

The altar glowed so beautifully in the dim lights of this temple of a studio, lovingly attended to by owner/instructor @mo_mirth and program/marketing manager Agi B, my two new favorite people. Many folks lingered after the ceremony to soak in the afterglow, pull Oracle cards and play on the sound bowls. In these dark days of the year the sun of community is certainly giving me life.

Ajo and Ase for this work!

It went so beautifully we already have a day set for the next one! Save the Date for Sunday March 24, 2024 for another Breathwork & Sound Bowl Ceremony. Keep your eyes out for sign up information in the New Year!

With gratitude, deep breaths and heaping cups of good humor,
Heather Ace xoxo

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