Semi Woo Moon Reading: New Moon in Pisces

Semi Woo Moon Reading: New Moon in Pisces

This New Moon in Pisces asks us to go with that watery flow as best we can, to be more like the trusting rainbow trout and swim with more ease and flair.

The point of focus these next few weeks is a tall order for many: unclench and relax your muscles, breath from the belly. Go with the flow, surrender to the current. This is happening.

This New Moon is asking us to experience the river bends of Life with a little bit more grace and the spirit of a very emotional but enthusiastic explorer. Don’t deny yourself clarity and clues by stubbornly trying to swim back upstream at the first sign of new territory and darker waters.

Spring is undeniably arriving in the Northern Hemisphere and brings with it timely wisdom for this next chunk of your quest:

  1. Let yourself blossom creatively. Find your unique, one of a kind flow (aka your natural routine) and then turn up the dial on creativity.  Where can you begin to indulge/enhance/level up your flair for list making, gardening, cupboard arranging and coffee brewing? (Hint: This is not about being more productive! Work where you are at but allow yourself more creative options on getting through your day. Get funky…)

  2. Unfreeze and let the waters flow. This is a deliciously emotional time! Be sure to remember what vibes appear when you stuff down and deny your emotions. Stagnation then chaos! Smooth out your ride by greeting your emotional landscape as it comes up. It’s coming up to be seen on it’s way OUT. Peek at it, then let it flow! So long! Let tears of joy and sadness come and go like cleansing rainstorms, let emotions move through you like an energizing breeze.

  3. Come alive again. Tap back into your soul carrier, your body, by consciously and intentionally listening to your five senses more. I finally started using a tropical flower soap bar I’d been displaying for its beauty and it really transported me! More of that. Turn on to your environment via taste, touch, sound, sight, smell or vibration as much as you can throughout your day. Take more sips from the present moment.

This is a dreamy, horny, moody, buzzy lil’ time!!!  While it sounds counterintuitive, smooth out your wild ride by loosening your grip on what life is “supposed be like". 

Shine some warm light on the natural routine you surely already have going, embrace it, get out of it's way but fine tune it. Find more creative ways to get funky with your  personal, unique flow.

Get sensual, sensuous, stay loose, learn to bounce with new experiences vs. slam into them.

Swim in tandem with what unfolds on your stream.


Happy New Moon in Pisces:)

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