All tagged mindfulness

Quick Start Meditation Practice

When it comes to meditation practice, I like to just go ahead and build in the part where thoughts and distractions compete for my attention. That way, I'm not so hard on myself when I inevitably lose my focus!

Infusing self-compassion into your meditation practice is key. As you get more familiar with the power of silence and calm, remember to stay kind, light and curious with yourself.

Woo Upgrade: Voting as Ceremony

Voting in this country has been controversial since the minute a room full of slave owning colonists made up the rules we still use over 230 years later.
This year is no exception as the topic of voting could divide a Zoom call in seconds. In the spirit healing arts world itโ€™s not a virtue to engage in the world of increasingly toxic US politics and systems.
Alas, the magnetic pull of the drama, chaos and passion finds a lot of spiritual people confronted with a decision.