All in Wellness In Real Life
If you, like many Americans, live in a food desert and you don't have easy access to locally grown produce, check out the freezer section wherever you shop. When fresh food is frozen right after harvest it retains most of its nutrition for at least three months. 🥦
For the many months before we're born, many of our loved ones eagerly prepared for our arrival. Upon starting life there is much gathering, celebration and joy, we're given so much attention! 🌹🍼🎂
🥀Is there a way to mirror that connection, gathering, joy and celebration as our life comes to a close?
I remember gasping for my breath, when I got my IUD* put in.
I fainted in and out of consciousness and felt what I can only describe as full body nausea. I was confused and completely overwhelmed by the pain.
A way to engage more mindfully in real life, basically cast a prayer/intention/spell on it!!
I love a mindful mix of science & woo (it’s so adorable when science “catches up” to ancient/indigenous practices).
Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) are courses that teach mindfulness as a way to explore & heal anything from stress and anxiety to the effects of chronic pain and PTSD.
For me, Kambo healing represents my ability to sit with discomfort that I might usher in a better way of living. So many of the dreams/intentions/goals I have require me to get outside my comfort zone, they require effort, practice, focus and a clear channel for inspiration to flow through. My mode tends to a more hedonistic, "feel good NOW" sort of decision making process. It's perfect for absorbing and appreciating the beautiful world around me but it's a pain in the ass when I want to change, grow and pull off something great.
The thought of sending hot steam up through my vagina seemed both bizzare and genius to me. You may know this Mayan healing lineage ritual by the name of Yoni Steaming, yoni being the Sanskrit word for womb/source/abode/origin that connotes the deeply spiritual and emotional whole of a woman's reproductive magic.
Make no mistake: You are a healer. The more you can lean into owning that, the better. Learn to acknowledge the voices telling you the opposite (They might sound like: You can't heal, you're too messed up! EVERYONES a healer, I'm not special, etc.). The more familiar you become with these voices, noting when they come and go, the more prepared you will be to respond in your Power.
Give yourself a break from social media for even just an hour and sit with the music of beloved revolutionary Black elder, activist and professor, Bob Marley. Not only will you be served knowledge, you'll elevate your spirit, shed bad feelings and be left feeling refreshed.
For me the cauliflower pizza crust is more about finding a passable alternative to a wheat crust (gluten fucks me up) than the drastic difference in calories over a regular dough crust. Just like a traditional pizza recipe you can top it with anything you've got laying around, a great way to get more veg in my diet without repeating my tired old stirfry routine. It's pretty delicious and cheap to make but makes me feel like a gourmand. Buon Apetito!
We get to hang with Paul Gambill: a Seattle enviro-tech entrepreneur who’s at the forefront of reversing climate change. Bitcoin, polyamory and shoes made of carbon truly make Paul a modern day Renaissance man.