Moon Reading: Full Moon in Scorpio

Happy Full Flower Super Blood Moon in Scorpio with a Total Lunar Eclipse! And might I add, during another potent and revealing Mercury Retrograde. Ok that’s a lot of things! Don’t let the murky velvet waters of Scorpio lose you in confusion. This is a healing time, a golden opportunity to transform! Let the water be a mirror you might bravely hold your gaze with long enough to see something new within…More moon insights below….

Moon Reading: New Moon in Taurus

Happy New Moon in Taurus AND Partial Solar Eclipse!! New Moons arrive and offer us a blank slate to work with, a fertile field to plant seeds of intention and manifestation. Eclipses are like rich fertilizer, this is the time to dream/plan! But how, when the world might seem so uncertain, tornado-esque if you will? Read on for more moon insights!

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Libra

Happy Full Pink Supermoon in Libra! This Full Moon is the astrological new year as it’s the first full moon to occur in the first sign of the Zodiac Calendar. The name of the Aries-Libra game is Me vs. We and you may be feeling that deep polarity in a myriad of, let’s just say “Activating” ways.

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon in Aries!!! This first sign of the Zodiac reflects newness, a purifying fire. Mixed with the New Moon energy, it creates the perfect time for new beginnings or at least seeing things in a whole new light. Check out more moon insights here!

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Virgo

Happy Full Worm Moon in Virgo & Spring Equinox (3/20)! In the Northern Hemisphere, trees are budding, the ground is thawing and the prospect of new life and creation returns once again. Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac winds down and we’ll begin the cycle anew in Aries!

Moon Reading: New Moon in Pisces

Happy New Moon in Pisces!! I’d say it comes at a time of major upheaval in human history but human history seems to be a log of neverending upheavals. How do we survive on Earth with all this freaking awareness and connectedness, am I right?! Luckily the stars, planets, and astral energies are heralding the perfect space to help you through. Read below for more moon insights:

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

HAPPY FULL SNOW MOON IN LEO!! Set here at the end of quite an expansive Aquarius season. If you faced your shadows in the last few weeks you may find you’ve become a different person. If not, don’t despair, there is no greater time to whip up some transformational magic than the present moment:). Keep reading for more full moon insight.

A Grounding Breath Meditation

Join me, Heather Ace, for a meditation that has the power to ground you in your body and get your more familiar with feelings of calm and focus. This meditation is great for beginning and seasoned meditators. I keep it warm, light and accessible, try it out!

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aquarius

Happy New Moon in Aquarius!! This new moon is doing a lot as it heralds the start of the Lunar New Year in the Chinese Calendar and of Imbolc or St. Brigid’s Day a Gaelic Pagan festival. If you’re like me, the Gregorian calendar New Year on January 1 came all too fast. This moment gives us the opportunity to reset and renew our intentions with fresh energy.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Cancer

Happy Full Wolf Moon in Cancer! Our emotions and inner landscape will take center stage in this Water sign as the sensitive, sentimental energies of Cancer flow in. Wise teachers Venus and Mercury Retrograde will support any hunger to be introspective around things like relationships (especially around boundaries), communication, Love and values. Read below for more moon insights!

Moon Reading: New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Moon in Capricorn and Happy New Year (Gregorian calendar style)!! I wonder if the calendar making folks knew what they were doing when they drew up plans to start the calendar year in the sign of Capricorn, the eldest Earth sign with a trademark organized, focused, can-do energy. If grinding is the only thing on your mind tho, you might miss out on some of the other powerful influences of this time. Read Below for more New Moon insight.