All tagged meditation

Quick Start Meditation Practice

When it comes to meditation practice, I like to just go ahead and build in the part where thoughts and distractions compete for my attention. That way, I'm not so hard on myself when I inevitably lose my focus!

Infusing self-compassion into your meditation practice is key. As you get more familiar with the power of silence and calm, remember to stay kind, light and curious with yourself.

MSC/ MBSR/ MBCT: Magical Meditation Classes for anxiety, depression, PTSD and more!

I love a mindful mix of science & woo (it’s so adorable when science “catches up” to ancient/indigenous practices).

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) are courses that teach mindfulness as a way to explore & heal anything from stress and anxiety to the effects of chronic pain and PTSD.

Mindfulness in Real Life- Meal Time

It doesn't take a Google search to conclude that thanksgiving and ceremony before mealtime has fallen by the wayside. In our attempts to maximize our day, we tend to pair the time to nourish our bodies with email checking, driving or getting a pedicure (I've seen it!). Imagine a meal where you paused before your first bite instead of digging right in...seems almost revolutionary.