All in Transformation

Moon Reading: New Moon in Leo

Happy New Moon in Leo 2021 !! Find the Lion Heart within, how can you share your light as an offering to others? When Leo months comes around I know there is extra magic available to those who are looking to cultivate more confidence in who they are. Hint: Cultivating confidence requires bravery! Gulp:)

Moon Reading: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini! This intense, future flowing Air sign offers lessons around communication, expression and life's inherent dichotomy. And it’s all happening during Mercury Retrograde (gifting us challenges with communication and asking us to reflect) and during a Solar Eclipse (a potent time to create new inner change and transformation). The Twins are serving up a five alarm Duality Soup! Read on for more insight into this current time.

Get Weird To Grow: Coming to terms with being outside of your Comfort Zone

I love taking classes and trying new things but for many reasons I often show up kicking and screaming, terrified about future moments of imperfection or failure. It’s a huge drain of energy, especially considering it’s usually something I really want to do! I’m breaking through major limitations around Perfectionism.

MSC/ MBSR/ MBCT: Magical Meditation Classes for anxiety, depression, PTSD and more!

I love a mindful mix of science & woo (it’s so adorable when science “catches up” to ancient/indigenous practices).

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) are courses that teach mindfulness as a way to explore & heal anything from stress and anxiety to the effects of chronic pain and PTSD.

How To Renegotiate A Relationship That Isn't Working

Are you in one of those heavy relationship moments that asks: Should I stay or should I go?! Chances are, if you're evaluating the worth of one of your relationships, you're evaluating your Life on the whole. It'd be really choppy to step into a new life and work to retain the same cast of characters. As we grow, things come and go out of our bubble, people included, it's just how it works.

5 Ways To Respond to Healer Imposter Syndrome

Make no mistake: You are a healer. The more you can lean into owning that, the better. Learn to acknowledge the voices telling you the opposite (They might sound like: You can't heal, you're too messed up! EVERYONES a healer, I'm not special, etc.). The more familiar you become with these voices, noting when they come and go, the more prepared you will be to respond in your Power.

True PRIDE in 2020

Celebrating PRIDE over the years has been literal sunshine and rainbows. The space provides a freedom to express and feel into that inhibited side of yourself. The last years of celebrating LGBTQ culture and folx has been a ball and has served as an official start to the fun filled summer months.