Moon Reading: Full Super Strawberry Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Strawberry Supermoon in Capricorn!! The beautiful cosmic chaos has quelled a bit as Mercury goes direct and a powerful series of eclipses and The Summer Solstice are in our rearview mirror. It’s a lovely time to harness the tenacity of Earth Goat Capricorn as you press your way forward into the unknown. It’s also Water Crab Cancer time which means lessons around tending to home, vulnerability and village will also surface. Here are more insights offered for your way…

Moon Reading: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini! This intense, future flowing Air sign offers lessons around communication, expression and life's inherent dichotomy. And it’s all happening during Mercury Retrograde (gifting us challenges with communication and asking us to reflect) and during a Solar Eclipse (a potent time to create new inner change and transformation). The Twins are serving up a five alarm Duality Soup! Read on for more insight into this current time.

A Spring Break Recharge

Honoring the human need for sun on skin, eyes on Mother Earth.

See you next week for meditation practice on Sun April 18th, live from Charleston, SC and Wednesday April 21 for Creative Outlet.

Quick Start Meditation Practice

When it comes to meditation practice, I like to just go ahead and build in the part where thoughts and distractions compete for my attention. That way, I'm not so hard on myself when I inevitably lose my focus!

Infusing self-compassion into your meditation practice is key. As you get more familiar with the power of silence and calm, remember to stay kind, light and curious with yourself.

Get Weird To Grow: Coming to terms with being outside of your Comfort Zone

I love taking classes and trying new things but for many reasons I often show up kicking and screaming, terrified about future moments of imperfection or failure. It’s a huge drain of energy, especially considering it’s usually something I really want to do! I’m breaking through major limitations around Perfectionism.

Accepting The Body I Was Born Into

Mushrooms help expand the mind to offer us new possibilities for living and thinking. I chose a new thought pattern, and kept at it, even when doubts and old patterns worked to creep back in. Eventually, the new thought pattern replaced the old and I was living in a much kinder, exciting atmosphere. My body continues to morph and my love and appreciation sustains.