4 Earth Friendly Products I Use On My Quest To Respect The Planet

Turns out Environmental Maturity can be quite luxurious...
I wanted to share four brands I'm really feeling that make things just a bit easier to do my part. A few of them have even caused improvements in my physical health.  It may seem like a drop in the bucket but drops add up and these efforts have shifted my overall values around sustainability (can't EVEN with fast fashion anymore) and ideas around gratitude. We need the Earth to live, how we treat it and engage with it can reveal so much.

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in the final degrees of Aries! We have a NEW BEGINNINGS turducken on our hands with the second Aries New Moon of the year and the beginning of eclipse season with a rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse. Also, Taurus season kicks off just as another Mercury Retrograde arrives. Yoinks! We are also ending a cycle along the Taurus/Scorpio axis and entering the  Aries/Libra axis where we are asked to wield our Independence at the same time that we are asked to renew and upgrade how we are in all of our relationships. This Tall Order may have you feeling like go-go-GOING for the gold but you’d be more wise to reflect and absorb and hear the lessons out before making any major moves. The healing upheaval is still under way. Read on for more moon insight…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Libra

Happy Full Pink Moon in Libra! Currently doing Disneyland with a big lovely group of my  in-laws after a weekend in Palm Springs witnessing the transition of my husband's Grandfather, all during Aries season with a potent Libra Moon so yea, lessons on lessons on lessons! 

Here’s a quick Libra (aka lessons in balance and harmony) fueled Moon Reading because relationships are ultimately treasure troves of wisdom:

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon in Aries! The first sign of the Zodiac, in all its fiery, independent, wonder filled glory has arrived. Every year I marvel at the intertwining of the seasons and signs. When I see the flowers push through the ground, delicate and strong,  and baby animals engaging with Earth it gets me thinking about my own power and the gift we all have to be born anew at any moment. 

Read on for more New Moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Virgo

Happy Full Worm Moon in Virgo!! Were in a major time of transitional energy with the Spring Equinox weeks away and the ramp up into the sparking, outward facing fire of Aries from this inward facing, deep pool of self-actualizing reflection (aka marinating on and feeling aligned with your Potential). Read on for more full moon insight…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Pisces

Happy New Moon in Pisces! After weeks of “Live out loud-This is who I am World- Sorry, not sorry” energy we enter a double dose of introspection and turn inward to refocus on how we're living with and treating our OG best friend: ourselves. I couldn’t quite lure the words for this Moon Reading to come through onto the page so I’m providing this lovely excerpt from a Moon Reading that said it all so well!

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Snow Moon in Leo! All the planets are direct and we’ve got an astral break from the planetary rollercoaster of the last many years. But, that doesn’t mean it’s time to pause. The Aquarius Air is blowing up the Leo Fire and that means it’s time to Show UP! Read on for more moon insight…

I'm heading to Ghana/ Afrochella in 2023!

AfroFuture (formerly called Afrochella) is a music, arts and culture festival that celebrates the inspirational influences from the African Diaspora. The festival seeks to highlight and unite people under a banner of African and Black pride and educate on the intriguing contributions from the African continent and the culture it continues to spark beyond it’s beautiful shores.

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aquarius

Happy New Moon in Aquarius/ Lunar New Year! We started the year with a jolt of focused, productive Capricornian energy that is likely fading into a familiar hangover of  lost motivation and that cynical, almost taunting voice of doubt. Take a deep breath and accept the fresh, airy invitation to reset your intentions anew and retool your approach. This invitation requires a collective, big picture view instead of the heavily personalized, step-by-step, day-by-day approach of before. Read on for more moon insights…

From Seattle to Cabo: An Epic Baja California Road Adventure

When my husband was let go in the massive tech layoff wave and the climate change spiked winter nixed the Fall season in Seattle we realized the timing was perfect for the road trip at the top of our list: Seattle to Cabo and Back with many adventures in between!! My fellow road trippers will not want to miss this Baja California Travel guide.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Cancer

Happy Full Wolf Moon in Cancer!! This is our first Full moon of 2023 that rises as the wonder/chaos/cheer/clamor of Holiday Season 2022 wraps up. You might already be plotting your 2023 but if you’re not integrating what you just went through then you may be scheduling yourself to repeat it…..read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Moon in Capricorn & Winter Solstice! With Jupiter’s push for expansion heavy in the mix and New Chapter vibes from both the New Moon AND Winter Solstice ya’ll know Capricorn season will be asking you to swim to the lowest depths and climb to the highest heights to align yourself with the freshest, baddest version you can desire for yourself. Read on for more moon insights….

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Gemini

Happy Full Cold Moon in Gemini! The very last full moon of 2022, wow. We know Gemini moments have the potential to bring clarity in how we communicate in the world but with the way all the planets are aligned things have the potential to get…heated, volatile. The key is, keep it elastic. Read on for more full moon insights….

Moon Reading: New Moon in Sagittarius

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!! The friendly fire of the Archer is here to embolden, illuminate and razzle our programming in the best way. This period is all about FREEDOM via heeding the voice of our Higher Self with more respect and trust.

Read below on more full moon insight: