Moon Reading: Full Moon in Taurus

Happy Full Beaver Moon in Taurus with a Total Lunar Eclipse! We come to our bookend eclipse and a buzzy ass (to see the very least) Taurean moon (during Scorpio season) full of Earth, texture, pointy horns and intense jewel tones. Ya’ll hear that bacon sizzle?? Feel the grease pop bright on your skin? Taste the salty goodness? Feel the indulgent shame? That’s what this time feels like right now. A sumptuous mix of intensity and pleasure. I’m SURE you feel the intensity but, depending on your proximity to distractions/energy leaks, you may or may not be able to tap into the subtle but oh-so-there sensorial goodness.

Read on for more full moon insights:

Moon Reading: New Moon in Scorpio

Happy New Moon in Scorpio (with a partial solar eclipse!) You’d think this triple dose of inward energy (new moon/water sign/eclipse) would have us in a rip-current of emotion right now (and if it does, absolutely no shade, we all see you and get you!). Fortuitously, there is a Venusian (of the Plant Venus) tint to this moment which means the sensitivity and emotional wave will feel less like a tsunami and more like a warm outdoor rainfall shower with intense water pressure…Read on for more moon insights

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aries

Happy Full Moon in Aries!! The cleansing, new & robust fires of Aries, coupled with Mercury and Pluto going direct, are lifting a heavy cloak of introspection and self-work. If you dared to take on the challenge of exploring your emotions and intentions then your jet packs are full.

Where to?

Read on for more moon insight…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Libra

Happy New Moon in Libra! Our astrological fridge is positively covered with planetary invitations to get that innerhome in order. We get it Universe, it’s time to the root of EVERYTHING! But, The Work need not be a chore as this Air sign comes in to offer lessons on balance and harmony within our relationships. Read on for more New Moon insights:

Moon Reading: Full Moon In Virgo

Happy Full Harvest Moon in Pisces! This is a Water sign that has no problem operating on the deepest realms of our emotions and intuition. Couple that with six planets in retrograde (including the unfairly feared Mercury Retrograde) and you’ve got yourself a very potent time to do/release some inner work. Anybody feeling some extra feels up in here?!

Read on for more Full Moon insights…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Virgo

Happy New Moon in Virgo! Even though the current astrological gravity is a bit heavy we are firmly held in Virgo, a silently strong pillar that finds its strength in a practical, methodical way forward. But, don’t discount that prominent subset of Virgo energy that loves to be Boss and buck tradition by carving unexpected and quite original ways forward. Address the tendency to overthink by balancing the mental focus with a physical focus. Get stoked on your little routines and begin to think of Wellness as the superpower and priceless asset it is. Read on for more moon readings…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Leo

Happy New Moon in Leo!! The astrological call to marinate on ways to express yourself is perfectly placed at the height of the North Hemisphere’s summer heat, when we’re out and about literally and figuratively. Keep reading for more moon readings…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Super Buck Moon in Capricorn!! I’m really feeling the entry of this steadfast Earth sign, showing up like a fertile island during our watery journey through Cancer Season. The Crab’s lessons of home/family/relationship/belonging bring massive shifts and the Sea Goat is here to help us make a bit more sense of it all. Read further for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

A Blessed New Moon in Cancer to you!! Timing couldn't be better. Cancer season has arrived to usher in our ability to soothe ourselves and find comfort, even in the face of ridiculous, flailing attempts at oppression. Take the invitation to recharge so you are prepared for the long haul! More moon insights inside…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Happy Full Super Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius!! It’s a big and beautiful time in this moon that craves newness! It’s about following your arrow where it points without the weight of “what ifs”. Envision the frazzled and frayed edges of your expansion as badass fringe on your Explorer’s Coat, you’ve got a journey to relish:) Read on for more moon insight.

Moon Reading: New Moon in Gemini

Happy New Moon in Gemini!! New Moons signal for us to look inward and so do Mercury Retrogrades, which we’re currently in. Both of these moments also deal with communication so we’ve got a huge assignment to gaze bravely and honestly into how we transmit, express and impart our Truth. Are you poisoning/cluttering with your communication or nourishing/lifting up? Read onward for more moon insights!